Technology in the household is already an integral part of our life, and that is why it is useful to stay up to date with the newfangled trends of professional cleaning, which are predicted by former Interclean director Rob den Hertog for 2023.
If you think about who needs robotic machines for cleaning floors, then looking at their unhurried introduction, you can come to an amazing conclusion — only to those who are working hard on developing these products that are not yet in mass demand, that is, manufacturers. Actually, this was the case ... until 2015, when the European project FLOBOT was initiated, supported by the European Commission and coordinated by the Cyprus company CyRIC — Cyprus Research and Innovation Center Ltd.
It's amazing, but the industry, whose representatives were called Mr. or Mrs. Mopp relatively recently, today has every right to call itself advanced. Judging by the number of cleaning robots appearing at all the most representative cleaning exhibitions, the fourth industrial revolution has indeed already taken place in this area!
The bill HR 5205, requiring manufacturers to disclose the composition of cleaning substances, has been submitted to the House of Representatives of Congress. If it is adopted, much more information will be indicated on the packaging of such products.